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WARM WEDNESDAYS for 55+ at Whittington Community Centre

We would love to welcome you to our Cafe and lounge on Warm Wednesdays from 12 – 4pm.

So what's on offer on Warm Wednesdays?
  • It's warm and cozy.

  • A delicious homemade soup at lunchtime 12.30 – 1.30pm.

  • Watch a movie with popcorn after 2pm on our big screen.

  • Play games (many games are available like chess or dominoes etc.)

  • Hot drinks and biscuits.

Who is it for?
  • Anyone over 55.

  • People who like to be warm & cosy.

  • People who like to chat and have some company.

  • People who like to watch a film.

Does it cost anything?
  • No, it is completely free!

Our Charter

  • Everyone is welcome: our staff and volunteers will treat you equally, with dignity and respect.

  • Our Warm Places: will be flexible to meet your needs and those of our local communities.

  • We won't ask questions about why you need a warm place, but if you want to share we will listen and help you access support.



Alexander Schmidt

Social Club 55+ Co-ordinator

Tel: 0207 272 1847

Mob: 0776 1869 205


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