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Whittington Park Community Centre Celebrates Opening of Renovated Hocking Hall with Open Day

Whittington Park Community Centre enjoyed a successful opening of the newly renovated Hocking Hall, which took place during an Open Day on April 27th, with the local community coming together to celebrate the hard work and dedication that went into the transformation of the space.

The Whittington Steel band led by George Brade kicked off the afternoon and played for the many visitors who came to view the spaces and join in taster workshops or just have afternoon tea in the café.

Steel band plays in Islington
Steel band Islington

The Open Day featured a speech from Leader of the Council, Kaya Comer Schwartz, acknowledging the numerous individuals and organizations that contributed to the successful completion of Hocking Hall. Chair Courtney Shapiro thanked the many funders especially Islington Borough Council, Bernard Sunley, City Bridge Trust, London Marathon CT, Sport England, Clothworkers, Garfield Weston, and Charles French and the generosity of the local community. Local ward councillors were also thanked– Kaya Comer Schwartz , Janet Burgess and Sheila Chapman – as well as architects, Graham Newsome, Salvatore Poerio , and Mauricio Scarpaci , who were commended for their thoughtful and sympathetic design of the spaces.

Leader of the Council, Kaya Comer Schwartz
Leader of the Council, Kaya Comer Schwartz

The Whittington Park Community Centre's team, led by Ann Mason and supported by Martin Barrett, Alex Schmidt , and Jo Deller, was praised for their dedication to keeping core services running while navigating the challenges of a pandemic and building works. The Whittington Park Community Association board were also hailed for their continued hands-on engagement throughout the process, with special thanks given to John Purcell and project manager Lorraine Hart for their significant contributions. The renovation project was brought to life by Cuttle Construction, whose team, led by Eugene Finn , worked tirelessly to realize the architects' vision for Hocking Hall.

Ann Mason, Whittington Park Community Centre Manager

With the renovation complete, the Whittington Park Community Centre is now focused on ensuring that the spaces are filled with diverse activities and people, allowing the community hub to reach its full potential. The successful Open Day on April 27th which saw taster activities including Tai Chi, Line Dancing, and Intergenerational Lego, marked the beginning of a new chapter for Hocking Hall and the Whittington Park Community Centre which now stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and the importance of preserving local community spaces.


Whittington Park Community Association
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Contact Us

Whittington Park Community Association, Yerbury Road,

London N19 4RS

020 7272 1847

Registered Charity Number: 1114033

Company No: 05099915

Member of Octopus Community Network


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Our community centre is located in Whittington Park, Islington, North London.

We provide 

  • a welcoming space for all ages to enjoy classes and activities

  • services for early years, youth and older people

  • rooms to hire

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