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Return of Hatha Yoga with Maria

Maria teaches classical Hatha yoga, and her classes can be profound, so be ready to work up a sweat! However, she offers variations to make the practice suitable for all levels, so everyone can participate comfortably.

The classes are commenced with dynamic standing and balancing asanas, seamlessly transitioning into hip-opening postures, followed by backbends and forward bends. Finally, we conclude our sequence with inversions. This progression guides the flow of energy, uplifting it upwards, ultimately enveloping us in a profound sense of bliss and inner peace as we conclude our practice with Shavasana - a pose of ultimate relaxation.

Class Schedule:

Eager participants can immerse themselves in this transformative practice twice a week. The schedule accommodates both early birds and those who prefer an evening wind-down:

Tuesday Evenings: 7:00 - 8:00 PM

Saturday Mornings: 10:00 - 11:00 AM

Location: Upper Hocking Hall, Whittington Park Community Association, Yerbury Road, London N19 4RS.

Pricing and Booking:

Drop-in classes are accessible at £13 (full rate) or £8 (concessions). Given the intimate setting, pre-booking is required to secure your mat space — a simple text message to 07917756385 suffices for reservation.

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