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New: Rona's Dementia Choir

Discover the Joy of Singing with the Dementia Choir

We're thrilled to announce the launch of Rona's Dementia Choir at Whittington Park Community Centre, starting on 17th September from 2pm to 3pm in the Burgess Room. Led by Rona, who brings her heartfelt experiences and passion for music, this choir is a wonderful opportunity for individuals with dementia and their carers to come together and experience the therapeutic benefits of singing.

Following her own experiences as a carer for her late mother, Rona established a dementia choir at Brickworks Community Centre in Islington. Now, she's bringing her expertise to Whittington Park.

What is the Dementia Choir?

The Dementia Choir is a welcoming space for people aged 60-plus, with or without dementia, and their carers to enjoy singing together. This choir offers a relaxed and fun environment to meet others who understand the challenges of living with or supporting a loved one with dementia. The music selection ranges from the 1950’s-1990’s ensuring there’s something for everyone.

Motivation Behind the Choir

Rona's inspiration to start the choir came from her own caregiving journey. "I was a carer for my late mother, who had dementia for the last nine years of her life," Read more about Rona's journey here.

Benefits of Singing for People with Dementia

Research has shown that singing can stimulate brain areas affected by dementia, temporarily slowing its progression and enhancing lucidity and awareness. Additionally, singing promotes social interaction, reduces anxiety, evokes memories, and uplifts moods.

How to Get Involved

For those interested in joining the new sessions at Whittington Park Community Centre, come to the Burgess Room starting 17th September from 2pm to 3pm.

For more information, contact

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