Our Trustees
Courtney Shapiro
Courtney is a local parent and her involvement with WPCA began at our One O’Clock club with her children. She has over 25 years’ experience working within the financial services industries and is currently Global Head of Brands for an international firm. She brings invaluable expertise to our marketing and strategic planning.
John Purcell
Vice Chair
John’s long involvement with WPCA began when his children used to go to the After School Club. He belongs to the National Guild of Master Craftsman and set up his own carpentry and joinery business in 2008. He uses his knowledge of buildings to give us valuable advice on everything to do with our buildings and our building project.
Jeetendra Solanki
Jeetendra lives locally with his family and has over 20 years experience in the investment banking and financial services industry. He brings extensive experience in financial analysis and financial planning. When not working or volunteering Jeetendra likes to spend his time playing golf, running, travelling and coaching cricket.
Janet Burgess MBE
Janet has lived in Tytherton Road since 1988 and has been involved with the Centre for over 25 years. She is Councillor for Junction Ward and Deputy Leader of the Council. Her role on the Council is to promote health and wellbeing. One of her key aims for the Centre is that it reaches isolated people and offers a welcoming and healthy experience.
Beatrice Coker
Beatrice has lived locally for over 30 years. On turning 60 she became the 55+ Social Club representative on the board. She was a nurse for 30 years and has always been a community activist. She volunteered for SureStart and is a member of both Islington and Greater London Pensioners Forum and the Link.
Alison Ruddock
Alison has been a supporter of WPCA since the 70’s. She was particularly involved in managing the Centre’s adventure playground in the late 70’s and early 80’s. She lives locally and her children were regular users. She brings valuable experience from her work in local government with children and her roles have included Head of Play Service (Hammersmith and Fulham) and Head of Early Years from 1994-2011 at Islington Council.
John Uden
Originally from Lancashire, John has been living in the area for over 24 years. He served as Chair of governors at Yerbury Primary school for 8 years and has been a trustee of WPCA for several years. He trained as a regional planner and worked in various public and voluntary sector organisations until his retirement.
‘To provide a welcoming and well-run centre for individuals and groups in Islington to sustain and develop a vibrant community’.
Help us today to continue to serve the generations for generations.